Saturday, September 1, 2007

Cycle Day 1

Well AF finally came today. That makes this cycle 31 days. I go to the RE this week. Maybe she will help me figure out these wacky cycle lengths. I never know what stage I am at. I can say I had serious female part issues this cyle - I wonder what was going on. Can there be remnants from the HSG? Maybe I just completely missed the O because the cycle is off.

I keep listening to this song during my workout....It really makes me appreciate my life, my husband, all of the love and blessings that have been bestowed upon me my whole life. I am hopeful. And whatever happens - I am blessed.

Best of Whats Around
Dave Matthews Band

Hey my friend
It seems your eyes are troubled
Care to share your time with me
Would you say you're feeling low and so
A good idea would be to get it off your mind

See you and me
Have a better time than most can dream
Have it better than the best
So we can pull on through
Whatever tears at us
Whatever holds us down
And if nothing can be done
We'll make the best of what's around

Turns out not where but who you're with
That really matters
And hurts not much when you're around
And if you hold on tight
To what you think is your thing
You may find you're missing all the rest

Well she ran up into the light surprised
Her arms are open
Her mind's eye is

Seeing things from a
Better side than most can dream
On a clearer road I feel
Oh you could say she's safe
Whatever tears at her
Whatever holds her down
And if nothing can be done
She'll make the best of what's around

Turns out not where but what you think
That really matters
We'll make the best of what's around

after post note - I just realized this is the second month in a row that CD1 falls on the first day of the month, maybe my ovaries prefer the gregorian calendar....